Did I make it? Can I squeeze in one last post to make it a grand total of 7 for the year?

Do I even have any time to talk about making a soufflé? Probably not, so I guess it doesn't matter if it had foraged chanterelles and a touch of bacon. Or that it was a month back and I'm just getting around to it now. Damn. I've been a bad blogger this year. Not that I'm gonna give you a new year's resolution to do more or anything (
shit, with 7 posts it won't be hard to beat!), but whatever, I've got a feeling I'll pull it together someday and get back to more regularity. Anyway, I'll be starting a new full-time job come tuesday, so, some things are gonna change.....

Like from now on, I'm gonna stop putting hops in my beer and start putting roasted winter squash. You see, last year I had a brew at a place in portland that made me think a bit differently about pumpkin beer. Think golden and crisp and dry, not syrupy and spiced and you are on to my thinking here. This beer has stopped fermenting and is just waiting for some bottling to see what it turns into. My hopes are high, despite how weird it might look to some of you seeing so much delicata squash being dumped into a boiling kettle of beer. Guess I'll have to give a report in the new year.
Happy happy trip around the sun my friends!
Hi Bread lovers,
I've recently started working with Sourdoughs International and I'm learning the difference between using authentic wild yeast and commercial (bakers yeast) the taste and appearance is so different it's absolutely amazing! I totally recommend that you check it out at www.sourdo.com EnJoY!!
Hi there - I recently found your blog and I love it!! Are you still blogging, and are you still working with your sourdough? Some friends and I have found inspiration from some of your recipes, and are even try to increase the love of sourdough baking around the food-blog-world. We'd love for your to join us, if you are interested! Feel free to check it out at: sourdoughsurprises.blogspot.com
And thanks for the great inspiration!
shelley c: Yo! Thanks for reaching out and having a bit of faith that someone might still be lurking behind my website. It makes me so happy that my "pretzel logic" post is still being read! (One of my all time favorites, I must say.) AND it is causing some inspiration! That is totally sweet-tastic! So much so, I pulled the starter out of the fridge and have promised my kids some pretzels by the weekend...
Hi there! Like Shelley, I'm hoping that you're still around. I would love to interview you about your use of local grains for an article I'm working on. I don't see contact info on your site, so I thought I'd leave a comment here. Great blog, and I hope you're still baking and interested in talking. Thanks!
Nice blog.. Thanks for sharing this information with us
All these years later, I have 2 monkeys of my own, I'm turning 40 today, and I'm girdling my first batch of sourdough English muffins. I'd love if you started blogging again! My gratitude for the inspiration, and all my best......Aileen, still in Alaska
Whatcha doin?
Annual Check- in to see if you might start blogging again.......Aileen, still in Alaska, still grateful for the sourdough inspiration
Absolutely fantastic job you have done here.This is so nice.Thanks for sharing.
Making a batch of sourdough English muffins with my tween monkeys in hopes of trying our hand at Kenji’s Oklahoma burgers and taking a pause to send a thankyou to the kind stranger who introduced me to this delight……Aileen, still in Alaska
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